TJ’s Gym WOD for Tues. Dec. 27th

Kate’s home from college and we very much enjoy her visiting the big house in Novato.  Rumor has it her babysitting skills are unparalleled.

Raw Food SOS:  Combating raw food myths with (gasp) science.

There is a rumor going around about a nutrition challenge in the gyms that’s coming up.  Rumor or fact?


A1. RDL; 3111 for 8-10 reps; 4 sets rest 30sec
A2. Handstand Push Ups Strict; 6-8 Reps; 4 sets rest 30sec
*Bands, boxes, paralletes.
A3. Ring Support AMSAP; 4 sets rest 90sec
*hold ring supports with straight legs, bent legs, L-sit, or with a foot on the floor for support. Aim for choosing an option that will make holding for 30seconds very hard.

8min AMRAP
10 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
10 Hand Release Push Ups

*Competitors-  This is a perfect example of an Open style workout.  Find your gears and expose your weakness.  Imagine being judged.  Every body part should leave the floor at the same time.  Coaches are encouraged to call out no reps on Competitors during this workout.

Out of Town WOD

Handstand Push Ups Strict; 6-8 Reps; 4 sets
*Bands, boxes, paralletes.
A3. Ring Support or L Sit Support AMSAP; 4 sets rest 90sec
*hold ring supports with straight legs, bent legs, L-sit, or with a foot on the floor for support. Aim for choosing an option that will make holding for 30seconds very hard.

8min AMRAP
10 Box Jumps
10 Hand Release Push Ups

Mobility WOD

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